
The Interlink Foundation seeks out and bids for public sector contracts and other large funding opportunities on behalf of our membership organisations. For each potential contract, we create a consortium of member organisations that are interested in the funding opportunity.

Creating consortia under The Interlink Foundation umbrella has been our mechanism to maximise the reach and impact of our work. The underlying philosophy of consortia work is that the impact of the ‘whole’ is greater than the sum of its parts; we harness community assets to respond to community needs.

We have been at the cutting edge of consortium work and demonstrated the potential of consortia to bring new opportunities to voluntary organisations and disadvantaged communities. In the last 9 years, we have secured 12 contracts with a total value of over £2.3 million, for projects working in the areas of adult learning, employment, youth engagement, active aging and mental health, delivered by 51 Charedi partner organisations respectively, working across the country. Funding sources include: Local government (LB Hackney and Haringey), Sport England, DWP, DfE and Comic Relief.

Community organisations interested in participating in new consortium opportunities should look out for information about these in our monthly mailings or e-bulletins.

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